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VS Code Extensions for Laravel

VS Code Extensions for Laravel image

Those who use Visual Studio Code, install these extensions. These will make your Laravel application development much smoother.

VS Code Extensions:

Note: If you don't want to install the extentions from No. 4 to 15 one by one, then you can just install this Laravel Extension Pack extention which will also install all of those plugins as well.

1 PHP Intelephense
2 PHP DocBlocker
3 PHP Namespace Resolver
4 Laravel Blade Snippets
5 Laravel Snippets
6 Laravel Artisan
7 Laravel Extra Intellisense
8 Laravel goto view
9 Laravel Blade Spacer
10 laravel-jump-controller
11 laravel-goto-components
12 Laravel Blade formatter
13 Laravel Create View
14 Laravel Blade Wrapper
15 DotENV
16 ES Lint
17 Auto Close Tag
18 Auto Rename Tag
19 Theme: "Night Owl" ( Or Any theme you like)
20 Material Icon Theme for Icons
21 Prettier - Code formatter
22 MySQL - Database Client - Weijan Chen

Various PHP Development Environment Setup Errors' Solution Video

Fonts for Developers:

  1. Operator Mono (Download Link: )
  2. Fira Code ( Download Link: )
  3. Dank Mono